
Hello, I hope you are all well. Today I will tell you a little bit about what I like to do outdoors. 

I am not a person who does a lot of outdoor activities, like sports, games or something like that. What I do do and a lot on a daily basis is walking. I like to walk, although on very sunny days I avoid it a little bit or I protect myself very well because of the sun and my skin. 

As you already know, I'm from San Antonio, a coastal city, which has many beaches and a very good weather to enjoy. The walks I take can be inside the city, through the squares, the streets or when I have the opportunity, along the beach. 

I think I started walking more when the Pokemon Go game came out in 2016 and I had to go for a walk to be able to play it and do more things, thanks to this I started to go out more, and I kept liking it, I feel that it is such a simple activity and at the same time so relaxing, and good for health obviously, I can walk alone or accompanied, but if you ask me what I prefer I would say accompanied with my boyfriend, I love walking with him.

The last time I walked a lot I think it was in the summer, before going to college. With my boyfriend we like to walk from one end to the other, for example from one center to the other (San Antonio - Llolleo). In the summer with his friends we went to Playa de las Rocas walking from Llolleo, it was an unforgettable experience, we had a great time.


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