bye bye

Hello everyone, I hope you are well in these last weeks of classes, for my part I am very tired. This semester has been very stressful, there have been good things and bad things but we are still here.

If you ask me what subjects I enjoyed, I would say Procesos y Prototipos 2 and English 4, the first because I learned a lot about materials, I have improved my construction skills haha, and also because I experimented with a material that is epoxy resin and it was very entertaining work, with a lot of trial and error, and with English 4 I went back to practicing the language in a more formal way and that helped me a lot. 

The subject that has been the most difficult for me is Proyecto 4, it is very demanding and a lot of work in a short time, and the one I liked the least was Introducción a la Investigación, the class was very boring and perfect for falling asleep.

My best moments in the semester were when with my friends and an assistant we stayed talking about many things during classes or outside of them. My worst grade was a 3.6 and my best grade was a 7.0. The people I enjoyed working with this semester were: Javi and Kami, we have worked together all year on different subjects and we have done very well, we are a good team, the powerpuff girls tell us.

For my next semester I hope that I will have good subjects and teachers to continue learning in the best way.

I hope we all do well for the rest of the year and next.

Happy holidays and bye byeeeee.


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