A liitle bit of Chile

Hii guyss, I hope you are well, today I want to tell you a little (what I remember) about my experience in the snow.

I don't remember exactly the exact place or the name, I think it was in 2009 when I was 7 years old, I went to the snow for the first and only time. The parents of a neighbor/friend invited me, I remember that we traveled very early to arrive, i think we traveled in a minivan (i don´t know why).

Obviously since it was a long time ago my memories are very blurry, but like any child I had a lot of fun and it was impressive to see the snow, the mountains, to see a landscape full of white and brightness, just reading that sounds beautiful.

I remember touching the snow without gloves and feeling the shock of burning cold, my hands were red, we also did snowmans and played a lot.

I would love to be able to go again and have it with my family, do snowman together, maybe try skiing (although knowing me I think I would fall for it the first time) but still, those are the things that make an unforgettable experience.

Thank u and see you! 


  1. It often snows in the UK so I have lots of memories of playing in the snow as a child.


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